
Hey there!

Welcome to the Always Never Right Podcast! We have drinks. We have games. We have sarcasm.

Episode 2 - Former Fatties

Episode 2 - Former Fatties

Yeah, we've both had bariatric surgery, for varying reasons, but both with great results.  We talk about what led to us these decisions, and how we've adjusted to the new lifestyles. Cocktails take the edge of the seriousness.  Which you can tell, because as we go on, we lost not just the edge, but also the thread several times. 

By the way, bariatric surgery means you become a REALLY cheap date. Alcohol now kicks our asses. 

The Witty Comeback

This recipe we found on the interwebs and thought it sounded wonderful because 1) bourbon and 2) ginger and what’s not to like about that? You can find it here and we hope you like it. They call it “an example of a house cocktail with three key elements: accessible main ingredients (rye and lemon), something homemade (ginger syrup), and something a little obscure (Amaro Averna).” We actually didn’t home make the ginger syrup because #lazy. As always, the recipe is below so you don’t have to hunt for this. Gina made it as is, but I decided to add a bit extra Amaro Averna and reduce the lemon just a bit because I like enamel on my teeth. Dat ginger though! YUM!



Combine rye, Averna, lemon juice and simple syrup in cocktail shaker; fill shaker with ice. Shake about 30 seconds. Strain into a coupe glass or a rocks glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange twist.

Episode 3- You have to love your kids more than you hate your ex.

Episode 3- You have to love your kids more than you hate your ex.

Episode 1- You...but in a good way!

Episode 1- You...but in a good way!